Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Danagram #20

Today we continue the trend of puzzles I've made that nobody but me likes. Watch out, there's a horrible word play in this one.

1. Push or safety
2. Twice the size of a runt
3. The end of the first

Good luck!


Phil said...

Ok, nobody's gotten this one yet, so it's hint time. You really need to start with number 1 on this one, so don't try to get the other ones first. You might be able to get 2 first, but based on the awful pun, it'll be tough. Here is an additional hint for 1:

1. Push or safety or straight or hair

Try and think of a word that could go with each of those.

stujkx said...


Jasmine said...

I got it without the hint! Yay!
the end of the first was tricky at first, then I realized what you meant.